Noelle Veldhouse
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2013

I started PPS 1.5 yrs ago, and I was a different person physically and mentally. I am so much more positive, happy and fit now and I owe a bit chunk of that to Celeste. She is a wonderful, beautiful person and inspiration. PPS doesn't feel like a workout but more like a private and sober trip to the local dance club while dancing with a good friend who just gushes positive happy energy! I love the loud music and the choreographed dances, but if I can't seem to get a move, I just, as Celeste puts it "make it my own," and I just close my eyes and dance for the FUN of it. PPS is FUN, FUN, FUN and Celeste is a wonderful dancer who helps you develop your inner fun-crazy-sexy-dancer inside of you! I LOVE IT!!!!!

Erica Dryden
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2011

Celeste Bolin | Dance Studio Boise, ID

Where there is heart, there is soul, and where there is soul, there is a dance floor.

Celeste brings a voice to movement that is pure and intelligent โ€“ it explores the full fervent rotation of emotions, patterns, and vibrancy. Each time there is a pathway into a new insight through the repetitions explored โ€“ up, down; up, up; right, left, right. Your brain and your heart and your body all light up into a trine unison. You see the treasure of gritty, others you ride a lighted flight of the heart.

And, then, there is the whole underlying component โ€“ JOY. It is fun, it is sweaty, it feels good. You clap, you smile, you feel the musicโ€™s vibration permeate through the floor, your skin, the others you dance with. You learn the patterns, you can make your own, and then there it is way more of you to go around. It is a healing practice, a joy practice, and at then end of class, you know you can go back out into the world and make it better. Celeste has done an impeccable job of combining her heart, her brain, and her body into a gift of movement.

Leah Baker
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2013

As a graduate student at BSU I never knew if I was coming or going, however, I definitely knew where I was going to be on Monday nights, dancing with Celeste! Celeste's classes are all about gratitude, being thankful for the body you have, the spirit you were born with, and being present in the moment - right here- right now, to just DANCE!

Wavey Shaver
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2014

After having my second child, I experienced postpartum depression. I was in a dark place about my body, my ability to parent, my role as a wife-you get the point. A friend suggested PPS and I attended my first class that night. I smiled longer than I had for 3 months! Celeste exudes passion, strength, and positivity that is contagious. I now attend regularly and I am so grateful (so is my husband:).

Angie Brooks
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2012

Taking classes from Celeste is like a fun night out with your girlfriends! You smile, dance, sweat, and leave feeling lighter and happier. Leave your judgments and critical thoughts out the door, you won't have time for it because you will be having too much fun ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashli Perdue
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2013

Celeste Bolin | Dance Studio Boise, ID

I tried PPS about a year ago, after a friend recommended it to me. I was hooked from day one--even though the workout was more intense than I had expected. The workout is great, but it's the pure joy of the experience that has kept me coming back.

The first thing I noticed about PPS was that even though I had no idea what I was doing, I never felt foolish. I never felt like anyone else cared at all whether I got it right or looked like an idiot. Everyone was totally absorbed in their own version of the dance, in a really positive way. We dance as a group but there's a really individual and beautiful experience that takes place. I still screw up all the time, and no one cares--but it sure is fun when we all nail it at once! At first, I wondered how the class attracted such amazing, kind-hearted people--never catty--but now I firmly believe that it's the energy and guidance Celeste brings to the class.

She lifts the entire group with her energy and strength, and she fills the whole room with love. We can't help but love our dance-mates, and more importantly, OURSELVES. I have so much fun dancing with the group that I typically have a huge grin on my face throughout the entire class. I can count on one hand the number of things in my life that make me as happy as dancing with this amazing woman--and group of women--does. Dance class with Celeste is an act of self-love and one of the best gifts I give myself each week.

Carlotta Schott
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2012

Celeste Bolin | Dance Studio Boise, ID

Celeste is a tsunami of awesome. She has created a dance community filled with love, energy and acceptance. She pours 100% of herself in every class and her spirit is infectious.

Cheyenne Jones
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2012

Celeste Bolin | Dance Studio Boise, ID

Dance has taught me that happiness and enjoyment come not from perfection and rigidity, but instead from flow and laughter and accepting my flaws (and flaunting them). Dance has taught me the power of throwing myself into something I love, committing to it, and CONTINUOUSLY seeing, and more importantly FEELING, the rewards. Dance has taught me to give 100%, if I feel like it, and 10% if I feel like giving that much instead. Dance has taught me to honor myself and do what makes ME feel BEST. Dance has taught me to BE myself and to LOVE myself. Celeste Bolin, Dr. C Dance Commander, friend, soul-sister, instructor, role-model, ARTIST, has taught me dance.

Erin McCarter
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2012

Celeste Bolin | Dance Studio Boise, ID

I love going to Celeste's PPS class! In fact it's my primary form of exercise. I used to have lower back pain and almost frozen areas in my lower spine. In PPS we do a ton hip circles and booty shakin' and it has made a HUGE difference in my mobility. I now have much more articulation in my lower spine and haven't had low back pain for a long time. I am not a hard core exercise kind of girl, and when I dance with Celeste I get an amazing workout, but it's like I hardly even notice because we're having SO MUCH FUN! I also enjoy surprising my kids with a my rockin' moves when one of our PPS songs comes on the radio! It's hard not to bust a move in a department store, too!

Hadley Robertson
Boise, ID, Dancing with Celeste since 2011

Celeste Bolin | Dance Studio Boise, ID

I love dancing in Celeste's dance classes to move my body in a different way. Going to "class" really allows you to forget anything and everything that is wandering or troubling your mind. The music and atmosphere are all consuming. The dancing is a great workout and so unconventional that you don't feel like you're working out at all. There are always fun people in the class and additional activities beyond the 1 hour classes that invite community. Each class has a lot of variety and they're stimulating for the brain and a total body workout. GO. DANCE. WORK. SWEAT. FUN.